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Dr Jonathan Moy is a career coach with psychology (BSc) and medical (MBChB) degrees from the University of Otago, training in psychiatry, and career counselling certification (Graduate Certificate in Career Development) from Auckland University of Technology.

Earlier in his career he worked as a medical doctor in hospitals and clinics around NZ and Australia. He then spent further time training and working in psychiatry treating mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety and psychosis with standard medical treatments as well as psychotherapy modalities including Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Psychodynamic psychotherapy and Transactional Analysis.

Jonathan has also been employed as a Medical Advisor at the Ministry of Health involved in the monitoring and regulation of the use of prescription medicines. In the past he has also been an I.T. Technician, a Financial Portfolio Manager, and an author. He currently runs the digital publisher Centaurus Press.

In his early-forties, Jonathan shifted career direction to move his professional focus from reducing illness to maximising wellness, that is, helping people to reach their full potential in career and life. Currently, he continues an interest in medicine and psychiatry but for work-life balance he now dedicates his time to career consultation, family, writing, and participating in regular charitable work.

As a careers professional, Jonathan has detailed knowledge of the labour market with a specialisation in the Health sector, Government service, I.T. careers, and Small Business Startup. As an individual, he has a passion for talking with people about career issues and possesses a deep understanding of psychological, social and cultural issues from his experience in psychiatry and psychotherapy.

Careerology began in Auckland in 2011 then moved to Wellington in 2024.

Outside of regular work, Jonathan is a published author and has so far published 2 novels and a novella. His book Scion of Lightning won a Readers’ Favorite Bronze Medal in 2022.

Jonathan is registered retired as a medical doctor of good standing by the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) and a MBTI® Certified Practitioner.

Dr Jonathan Moy was born and raised in New Zealand. He is a GenX’er, married to another doctor, and has teenage children at university.

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