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Some names and business names withheld for client privacy to comply with the Privacy Act 1993. A pseudonym has been used for clients who have not wanted to be specifically named in a public website.

Tori, School Leaver → Chief Marketing Officer. LinkedIn Review
Jonathan helped me gain valuable insights about me I didn’t even know myself. I first worked with him as a school leaver when my parent’s influenced me to seek a career coach before committing to University. I am very grateful for the personalised career guidance I received which actually resulted in a change in career path. I left feeling confident with a solid direction having steered through some uncertain waters! After 3 years and Bachelors degree later, I met again with Jonathan and with his help revising my CV and other advise I left feeling very motivated and prepared for the next phase of my career. I highly recommend Dr. Moy!

Sherryl, I.T. Professional. LinkedIn review
I’m so grateful that I’m really well on track into realizing my short-term goals for my career shift. The tools you have provided in our sessions have definitely helped in making this happen sooner than anticipated! … Again, all this wouldn’t really come to fruition at such a rapid rate if not for your guidance and support. I cannot thank you enough”

Sherryl wanted to change her career direction to gain more independence and focus on skills she preferred to use.

Gary, Senior IT Manager → Entrepreneur. Google review
After multiple sessions with Dr. Moy (“Doc”) I gained valuable insights into my behaviour and approach to many aspects of my life. I left feeling very motivated, prepared in a balanced way, for the next phase of “the plan”. I highly recommend Dr. Moy.”

After a strong career in the IT industry, Barry was a bit career-fatigued and needed to examine his career path including whether to continue in IT or move onto something else.

Sue, University Student.
“Thank you so much for showing such compassion and generosity in helping me choose a career pathway! You were truly an answer to prayer and have blessed me so so much! I am feeling far more at peace about my future than I ever have been and, in fact, am excited about seeing where the next few years lead!” (Thank-you card)

Sue was 18 yrs old and didn’t know what to do having finished school the previous year. Helping her to understand more about herself and what she wanted to achieve with her life led to her being able to identify a fulfilling career path.

Jackson, Lab Scientist. Google review
I had a very good experience with Jonathan. He really sits down and offers tangible steps you can use to get you on the right path.

Randall, Sales and Marketing Specialist
Thought that I’d give you an update from our last meeting together. I met with the GM & Sales Manager … on the Monday – a 2 hour meeting. Went extremely well. I accepted the job last Tuesday (the next day). Collected the contract and returned it on Thursday. Starting tomorrow. I just want to thank you so much for contributing to the clarity I had over that meeting and feel confident I have made the right decision moving forward. All the very best and thank you once again, it was a pleasure to work with you.” (email)

Randall felt disillusioned with recent work experiences and sought a change of career direction. However, exploring the important factors in his life and career, we discovered that his passion for sales still remained and with a change of industry and some job-crafting we were able to design a more fulfilling career path for him.

Camellia, Social Media Marketing Specialist. Original LinkedIn review
Jonathan is a very professional career consultant not only in his knowledge base but also in his ability to act. With his help on revising my CV and on providing job interview tips, I get my dream job within short period of time. I recommend his service to those who are struggling with job hunting process and who want to get wise advice on their career path.”

Camellia was struggling to find work after graduating from University.

Sarah M, Travel Consultant → Social Work
“Thank you so much for all of your help over the past few weeks. I finally feel like i have a good direction and i am so excited to start my new career path. I will be recommending you to everybody. Thank you for everything” (email)

Sarah’s lifelong ambition to join the police force was prevented by a legal incident. She tried her hand at other jobs, but was at a loss when it came to an alternative career path. Exploring her motivators, values and personality highlighted the aspects of policing that appealed to her and led us explore Social Work as a career option. The more she looked in to it, the more she realised that becoming a social worker could be a satisfying career path for her.

Tori, Marketing Executive. Google review
My experience with Johnathan from Careerology has been nothing short of transformative. I first sought his guidance back in 2013 and again in 2017, during critical junctures in my life. Unsure whether to pursue fine arts or radiology after high school, I found myself at a crossroads. Johnathan’s expertise helped me design a comprehensive career plan tailored to my aspirations. Following his advice, I embarked on a journey that led me to where I am today. Enrolling in a commerce degree with a focus on marketing and information systems, as suggested by Johnathan, turned out to be a game-changer.

Now, over a decade later, I’m proud to be part of the senior leadership team at New Zealand’s leading telecommunications company, and subsequently, serving as the Chief Marketing Officer of an NZX listed technology firm. Johnathan’s meticulous approach, incorporating thorough testing and insightful counselling, paved the way for my success. By understanding my dreams, personality, and cognitive preferences, he crafted a roadmap perfectly aligned with my aspirations. I’ve spent the past decade at the intersection of marketing and data/systems, a role I adore and excel in, thanks to his invaluable guidance. Working with Johnathan was instrumental in shaping my career trajectory. His personalised approach and genuine investment in my future made all the difference. I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. If you’re seeking tailored career guidance that truly understands you, I wholeheartedly recommend Johnathan from Careerology.

Natalie, Manager.
… I really enjoyed working with you, found your sessions very useful and informative.
You helped me to clarify my values and what I need to look for in my next job.”

Natalie was a highly-qualified and experienced professional who had been climbing the corporate ladder but also becoming more uncertain about her career path. She was assisted to identify the career factors important to her and which direction her career needed to go to achieve that. So, rather than striving for higher and higher executive jobs she found that career satisfaction for her came not from status but from being an innovator and builder.

John, Business Development Manager → Manager Human Resources
“Thanks very much Jonathan, I have found the sessions very useful and definitely money well spent from my perspective. As I mentioned in the past I have tried career counselling a few other times and it has never really pulled through to anything solid. But with your approach and very organised resources I definitely feel like I have come out with a much better understanding of my values, motivations etc. I will happily recommend you to anyone that I come across that is in the same position as myself.” (email)

John had been finding it difficult to break-away from an occupational stereotype that he had found himself in over the past years. This had caused him to stay on a ‘career treadmill’ of dissatisfaction and unfufilling work.

Nick, School leaver Anaesthetic Technician
I just wish to say thank you. You showed me a path that I was not aware existed and yesterday I was offered the Trainee Anaesthetic Technician role at North Shore Hospital!! I could not of achieved this without your help and guidance. I would just like to say THANK YOU, and I am so grateful to you.” (email)

Nick was in his 2nd year of university studies and was uncertain about whether the major he was pursuing was something he actually wanted.

Jon, IT Support → Network Administrator. Original LinkedIn review
“Jonathan’s career advice helped me to focus on the big picture in relation to my next career step. His advice has put my on track, working towards a job that offers real satisfaction. The tools used by Jonathan have also helped my self awareness, this has helped me inside and outside of my profession.”

Jon enjoyed the technical aspects of I.T., but had been promoted to a leadership position where he was removed from hands-on work.

Adrienne, Ceramics tutor → Addictions Counselling
“Thanks for being so generous with your time and expertise it was so helpful and greatly appreciated! Unitec course went well and I have a …. position at … and really like it so far!” (thank-you card)

Adrienne was made redundant from a job she held for several years in the creative arts. Finding it difficult to find similar paid work she attended a few career sessions and identified her passion to work in the Addiction counselling field.

Simon, Financial Software Architect → Computer Science Lecturer
“Thanks Jonathan, Its been a pleasure working with you. The process has been very beneficial in providing tools to analyse and compare job choices and also to identify strengths, weaknesses and core values. I’m now really looking forward to doing a bit of research and getting stuck in to some study. Thanks again for your help and guidance.” (email)

Simon had been so successful as an IT professional that he was able to retire before he hit 30 yrs old. However, after several years of ‘retirement’ he identified a need to contribute to society through work and develop his career further. He had become mentally paralyzed with indecision over so many possible options available to him. By the end of our sessions we had been able to exclude a number of possibilities and come down to a path of study that would give him further knowledge to help him decide which of a few remaining options to pursue.

Louise, Student → Nursing
“Hi Jonathan, Just wanted to email you and tell you that I got accepted into the nursing programme starting in July!! Thank you so much. I am so grateful for your help. I am so excited about starting the course and can’t wait to email you in 3 years saying that I am a registered nurse so watch this space!!!!” (email)

Louise was studying to become a Pharmacist but felt that she was pursuing the wrong occupation. After some career direction sessions she identified that she wanted to remain in Healthcare but needed a more hands-on clinical role and switched to a Nursing degree.

Ruby, Resource Consent Planner → Nursing
Thank-you so much for your time and patience, I really appreciate it.
I’m really excited (and a little nervous) about starting the Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing) at AUT. I can’t wait to study anatomy and physiology, start my placements and become a nurse.“

Ruby had been working in various jobs as a Resource Planner for 4 years, but was burned-out, dissatisfied and depressed. After 2 career sessions, she felt was able to identify and affirm that a switch to the health sector and to Nursing in particular would be a good fit for her.

Astrid, Editor
As a “new kiwi” my career counsellor helped me to migrate my CV, in structure and layout, to New Zealand. He gave me his full personal attention and professional experience, analysed my skills and opportunities with me, directed me to the right and realistic career path with many ideas and mainly: lots of motivation! Finally I found my “dream job” – and I can’t thank my career counsellor enough for his time for me.” (email)

Astrid moved over to NZ from Europe where she had an executive editorial position in a multimedia company.

Jared, Drainlayer → Business owner
“Thanks again for meeting with me your input and advice have helped me with my planning for future.” (email)

Jared had the difficult decision to make of whether to inherit his family business or to strikeout on his own.

Lila, Administrator → Community outreach worker
“… I thoroughly appreciate your direction and understanding. Clarity certainly simplifies pathways.” (email)

Lila had a strong visionary heart for helping the marginalised cohorts of community and wanted to clarify her pathway to achieving this.

Matt, Manager → Business development 
“Jonathan is a joy to speak with. He has well structured sessions with great worksheets to work on between meetings that really make you stop and think about, you. After our final session I felt clear and focused on moving forward with not only my career but also my life. I would recommend to anyone who needs guidance in life and there[sic] career.” (email)

Matt ran a successful business but felt restricted by the industry he was in and wanted to explore other occupational options that would generate a greater income.

Em, Managing Director → Entrepreneur
“Being able to talk through my options with someone was really helpful.  My counsellor asked me lots of relevant questions and got me to complete a few questionnaires which helped to shed light on my personality and what career I am best suited to.  Jonathan offered me helpful suggestions on how to pursue my career and outlined with me the steps I needed to take.  I’m happy I did counselling and am now well down the path of achieving my career goals.” (email)

Em ran a successful technology business but was feeling unsettled and restless and was looking for new challenges.

Sandra, Business Sales Manager -> Property Developer.
“Thanks Jonathan, I just wanted you to know that I really appreciated our sessions they really changed the way I look at work. I now have a purpose in life and a clear direction to go!” (email)

Sandra had been in her job for 4 years and was frustrated with the ever-increasing sales targets expected of her. She had a strong commitment to her family and wanted to find a career path that would allow her flexibility, income and greater interest. After 4 sessions, involving assessments and focussed discussions, we developed an action plan that led her to a career of part-time property development and changing her role within the organisation she worked in.

Rebecca, Personal Assistant → Events Planner.
“It was great to work with you, you helped to give me insight into my work values as well as what skills and attributes I have to offer a prospective employer. I have already recommended you to friends so don’t be surprised if one or two of them contact you! Thanks again for all your help.” (email)

Balancing family life and work was very important to Rebecca and factored strongly into developing an action plan for her.

Rachel, Professional Dancer → Artistic administrator and Marketing coordinator.
“Thanks Jonathan, I wasn’t really sure what I needed from today, but have come away with a much clearer sense of what is important to me and a stronger sense of the direction I’m heading in…” (email)

A leading professional dancer for all her adult life, Rachel had to re-invent her career after a back injury.

Dan, Receptionist → Bible college administrator and Pastoral Student.
“My most sincere thanks for the amazing blessing and privilege of your valuable counsel throughout these last couple of months!! Thank you for your patience, listening and your guidance, things have become so much more clear because of that.” (email)

Dan had been working in reception jobs for several years and wanted to identify a more meaningful career path compatible with her Christian beliefs.

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